Friday, May 8, 2009

What is best to feed Yorke's?one of them been operated for stone in the bluder?

is it best to cook fresh food for him?
While the little dog is recovering , you could cook a chicken %26 brown rice(no bones) also some fish (coley) is good and it doesn't have bones, after operations they shouldn't eat a heavy diet, always a light diet, both of your dogs can eat this,
I had a chinese crested powderpuff and thats all he had to eat,
I used to stew a chicken/other meats once a week and vegetables, brocoli,cabbage, carrots,and cauliflower (different veg) each week, and divide it up for the week in small bags and freeze them and freeze the chicken/meat stock as well, I used to put some bisuits(small bite) in his food as well, he loved his food and I knew what was in it, I gave him a garlic pill , vitamins and evening primrose oil pill every day, he was 14 years old when he died on 11/11/06, I had at 8 weeks old,
Home cooked food is much better for them,stewing/ brasing steak, rabbit ,turkey,chicken,fish and liver (not to much liver) veg and rice, you will find it much healthier and cheaper, there are no additives and other things we don't know about it, all I can say it's up to you,
Good Luck
the best thing to feed is a prescription diet from your vets once the stone has been analysed and determined what sort of crystals make it up.
the dogs urine can be either acidic or alkaline and they build up crystals which eventually clump together and form a stone the diet dissolves these crystals and so prevents this happening
would never reccomend a home made diet as is always lacking in something that the dog needs and will not help in these cases
i too had stone in the bluder, it was offal and pained me like a kick in de knicky nacks...
Yorkies? Typically the diets the vets have arent that great. If you look at the ingredients, they arent very good. I feed my yorkie Blue Buffalo. Its the best food they sell around here. Its expensive, but for such a little dog they will save you in vet bills.

What is best for ticks and fleas on an animal?

I have tried everything to get rid of the ticks and fleas on my dogs.
Frontline works great for dogs, and only is applied once per month. It takes about 3-4 months of treatment for all current fleas and their eggs to be killed, but you should stop seeing alive fleas within a day or two. But whatever treatment you do you need to keep it going continuously. Whenever your dogs go outside they have a high chance of having a flea or tick get on them, so without constant treatment the fleas will keep coming back.
I've used frontline on all my dogs and have never had a problem.
Go to your vet %26 get Frontline Plus , it works great and is actually cheaper at the vet.
My Lab is 2 and ive never ever seen a flea or tick on her.
I use Frontline on my dogs, live in the country and works for us
Have you tried a two way approach and use Frontline Plus and Sentinel (both vet prescribed)? Frontline will do direct damage to the adult fleas and Sentinel will stop egg production from a blood level.

What is best for ticks and fleas on an animal?

I have tried everything that I can think of to get rid of the ticks and fleas on my dogs.
Frontline Plus is THE BEST!!
frontline. Put one drop on their skin, and they are good for a month. Also, fleas and ticks die when they try to take a bite.
I don't know if you have tried this but a good two pronged approach would be Sentinel (stops hatching of eggs) and Frontline. Frontline chemically will kill the fleas and ticks while Sentinel (prescription from vet) will stop the flea cycle at a blood level by inhibiting the fleas DNA from the blood they suck. If the adults can't produce eggs you have the battle half won.

Bathing them up to their necks in water will kill a few of them too (I'm sure you have already tried this one).
Definitely Frontline from the vet. It's around $13 and it works great! Don't trust the crap you can buy from regular stores. They're just Frontline-wanna-be's, and flea collars don't work.
If your dog is old enough then use frontline after bathing it in flea and tick shampoo. If you don't want to go out of your way use Antibacterial soap on the dog. It has a chemical that kills lipids (which flea eggs are made of).
Dawn dish soap works great, but so dose flee and tick shampoos. i found that out because my chihuahua is allergic to almost all of the flee and tick collars and soaps and the stuff you put on their backs.
Frontline is the best...and they also have pills that you can give your cats or dogs to kill fleas to along with the frontline.
The best product for fleas and ticks is Frontline Plus. If you've bathed your dog, you should wait at least 24 hours before applying it, though.
It depends on where you live and what risk factors are involved. Advantage and Frontline are excellent choices. I use a product called BioSpot, works really well for my area. The primary issue with this product is toxicity to felines.
I have always used "Frontline", its very good for ticks and fleas. I spray my yorkie once every month, depending if I take her out to the park, where ticks actually breed in grass and fleas come from birds or sand. So before we go out and I allow her to run free, I spray her with Frontline and it works, to date with all my animals including my little one, I havent had the problem with ticks and fleas.

Frontline is also very good for sensitive skins, and pups too. My vet has always recommended it, as I give it thumbs up!
I use Frontline.

Put it between their shoulder blades at the base of their neck and also at the base of their tail bone.

Good for a whole month.
Our beagle would get them bad and now we hardly ever see any.

Advantage is also good.
Do NOT use the ones in the stores, they are not good as they have been watered down and the chemical that kills the ticks and fleas don't work.
Always, get Frontline or Advantage from the Vets.
Is not too expensive if buying the 3 or 6 month cycle.
I use my black lab for hunting so he's in the woods constantly, I've found frontline plus to be the best (, if that doesnt work consult your vet
Try mixing vinegar with dog shampoo.
Like head lice, Ticks and fleas hate the smell of vinegar and it might kill them.
It worked for my dog.
Use Frontline. It is worth every penny you spend. If you have fleas in your house, sprinkle borax all over the floors and carpets. It will kill them within a day and works for about 3 months. You can buy it in the laundry section of the store. Then use Frontline on your dog so you won't get them again.
The best thing you can do to start is use DAWN dishwashing soap. Dry bath a dog in Dawn (Do not wet the hair) Put cotton balls in the dogs ears and an Artificial Tears in its eyes prior to bathing so the dog does not get an ear infection or its eyes irratated.

Regular strength works - you dont need Ultra concentrated or anything. Soap up the dog while it is still dry.. leave on for 10 minutes, so be prepared to have your canine sitting in the tub for awhile - talking gently and encouraging words will be needed. After ten minutes you can rinse and rinse and rinse until all the soap is out. Repeat the washing allowing only 3 mintues to stand. (The repeat washing is because now that the fleas and ticks have been suffocated you must wash them out of the hair. The extra 3 minutes is to ensure they all are dead!)

Be sure to rinse until ALL the soap is out...this could take some time but if you leave the soap in the hair you will dry it out and it will get gunky with the oil from the dogs skin.

If after the dog is dry you want to spend the money for Frontline or Advantage - they are good products. But to be honest if you wash your dog regularly with Dawn Dishwashing Soap you will not need the other high priced items.

Be sure your dog has been vaccinated for Lyme disease since you appear to have a tick problem. And don't forget the heart worm preventative!!

As far as getting rid of all the fleas.unfortunately the fleas are still out there - whether in the yard or in your house, wherever the dog has been. So you need to treat outside with Dawn soap as well ( just place a couple of skirts in a pale and add hot water - then pour over your dogs area. It will not hurt the grass but will get rid of ALL bugs)and you will have to call an exterminator for any inside as the on the market flea killers do not really work.
Here is a great reference tool from for fleas, ticks and heartworm prevention and control. See the reference link and there are 10 pages of articles.
front line ..put between shoulder blades on dog if you use a flea coller it will only protect his head!
advantage flea and tick
did you try frontline plus? it's expensive, but it works great. Anyhow. Animal Planet spraying rubbing alcohol on the dog with a spray bottle.
I use skin so soft from Avon it works on flies and misquitos I put it in the bath water and rinse real well and to reapply I put it in a spray bottle with water I use a 50/50 mix It works great and they smell great too!! I also use it on the kids and the
You can get this at Walmart or any pet retail store
the best is products from your local veterinary clinic. But what most people don't realize is that you must also treat your home. Your carpet and your furniture . Even your car if you pet rides in your car and your car has fabric upolstry . You can get some really good products that work from your vet to reat your home with.
maybe you should try vinegar mix it with a little water not to much but thats what my mom puts on her for fleas and misqotes it might stink but it works on her

What is best dog deodorant?

Bathe the dog about every month with a conditioning shampoo and they make great doggy calogne spray that you can buy at your local pet shop. It should be in the shampoo lane. You can spray the dog everyday if needed.Good Luck.
Wash them with water often. I would not recommend any chemicals to cover up the odor. Besides not sure what kind of odor it is, could be health related issue? Then, take it to the vet.
Take a good fabric softener sheet dampen it and wipe dog down.
Works great.
for breath I would use 'yip yap' dog treats.
for odor, I suggest a bath =)
Put better food inside your dog and he won't need any.
Canine # 5 It smells wonderful !!! Ask your veterinary clinic for some !!!

What is an ideal price to sell a beagle/boxer mix puppy?

There was an ad in the paper and somebody's selling them for $200... but anyway he's suuuuuper cute. Thanks for any input.
$200 for a male is a fair market value price; age and location of where you live will make a difference. So watch the ads for like dogs (as you have) and when you begin to talk to potential buyers - you will get a feel for what they are willing to pay and what you will take to assure a good home. Beagle/boxers mixes are very cute! Mixes are fine - and home hobby breeders are not necessarily evil dog abusers. It is all individual. I am sure that their critics are stellar human models of perfection that only breed amongst themselves to better the gene pool.LOL Good Luck!

We get those all the time !!! The shelter is full of them!!
Its a mutt!!! they should only be charging you for any vetting done to the pup. its not a breed!!! go to the shelter and get a rescued pup...PLEASE don't contribute to those peoples matter how cute, unfortunately someone will probably pay the price but just say "NO" and go to a rescue group in your area or go to your local shelter and SAVE A LIFE...they are BACKYARD BREEDERS!.rescue recue rescue!!!smile

EDIT: so you have the pup?? just try placing it in a home. Be selective. If you have put any $$ into it for vetting then charge that or charge 50$ so it weeds out some of the people looking for "FREE" puppies. No puppy is free. there is vaccine, deworming, spay/neutering, food, toys, etc. etc etc.. try posting something in your local vets offices or local paper so you can meet the prospecive parents... be careful and ask alot of questions, how much yard do you have, how much time do you have to devote to this puppy, how are you going to discipline, what food are you looking into feeding, do you have kids, how old are your kids, do you have any other pets, whats your vets # so I can check on your other pets vaccine history..etc etc etc. good
you dont sell them you can only sell full breed dogs not muts

I certainly wouldn't pay $200. Maybe a $75 adoption fee.
Charge a minimal adoption fee, such as $50, to cover expenses such as vet care you've had done or food you've purchased. Don't give a pet away for free - ever. Read this article ( to understand why.

If possible, have the puppy neutered before adopting him out. You already know he is a mixed breed dog. Don't allow him to reproduce and possibly add to the thousands upon thousands of pets that end up in shelters and dog pounds every week.

As far as the newspaper ad - those puppies are not worth $200. That person is only asking that because they think someone poor sap is only going to see a "cute puppy" and not care where it came from or not care about it's health or the health of its parents. That's how puppy mills get started. It would surprise me if that ad was not for a puppy mill in the first place. Check out this link ( for more information.
Should be free!
Only to great pet owners
I would say to go get a pup from a shelter. I dont agree with people buying a dog or a puppy from someone unless the dog is in danger of going to a bad home or the current owners arent taking care of them. There are sooo many great dogs and puppys out there that dont have homes! As for the price, if you are set on buying one of those puppys, I would say $200 is WAY to high! Thats not a pure bred dog and they should be free.. if they are going to charge you anything they should only be charging you for any vet bills the puppy has already had. My husband and I have 2 american pit bull terriers (pure bred) and we didnt pay much more than $200 for each of them! We bought Brooklyn from a friend for $350... Our friend had bought brooklyn and his brother and sister from a guy in orlando who was going to sell the puppys to people to fight them! : ( So, our friend went and bought all of them for more than the guy was charging so he could find them good homes. The only reason we paid as much as we did was because or friend had to pay alot to get them!.. Then for our other dog, Destiny, we paid $200.. she was the last puppy left at some back yard breeders house and she wasnt getting proper care. The day we got her we took her to the vet and they said that if we didnt bring her in when we did she would have died.. Im not going to go into that story because that will take all day.. lol.. but its been a few months now and she is doing great! : ) But anyway, my point was, I dont agree with buying a dog from someone unless the dog doesnt have a good home. If the puppys have a good home and arent in any danger and you REALLY want a dog/ puppy you should go to a shelter. But, thats just my opinion! Good luck with you decision! : )
Im sorry but people selling these mixes ought to be shot!
We are ruining out pure breeds to make a quick buck.
If you love dogs no matter what, go to a pound and save a life
STOP, Do not support back yard breeders with your hard earned money. This only encourages them to have more litters. These people are idiots trying to charge you 200 bucks for a mutt they ignorantly produced. IF you really want to help out a pet in need of a home go to your local shelter and adopt one that is about to be killed because no one wants it.
Already had it's shots is NOT an indication these dogs are healthy either. Please do not support these people. They will never learn that what they are doing is ignorant if people continue to buy their mutts. Sad for the dogs because they need homes but if they end up having to take them to the shelter or give them away for free, they are less likely to do this again.
Be part of the solution.. Do not support them!
NEVER give a dog away free. To many sickos out there. If you have a potential adopter, check references both personal and vet. I have found that a home visit tells you a lot.
He is a mixed breed puppy.. You can save a life and get one just like him at the shelter.. Why help out a puppymill / backyard breeder by buying their dogs, when you can save a life.. Saving a life is far more rewarding than lining the pockets of someone who is breeding merely for pets, with no regard to health, temperament or anything else... Over breeding their females in the name of profit...

Save a life, cute is still cute when you rescue it from the shelter.. Mutt is still mutt, no matter how you try to make it sound special.
I would suggest going to a rescue group or SPCA. It's irresponsible to sell a mixed breed especially if you got it for free. A no-kill animal shelter will find a suitable home for your dog while providing veterinary care and spaying or neutering it.
You shouldn't give him away for free. People value things they pay for more than things they get for free. If they pay $400 for a dog they will be more careful with him than if they see the dog as valueless.

Try to at least worm him and get a DHLPP vaccine for him. You will recoup the cost at the sale. It is something that you really should do for any dog you have in your possession.
2000$ in nyc
He isn't 100% healthy unless both his sire and dam have been tested for all genetic health problems. I wouldn't pay more than what my local RSPCA sells their pups for - $220 Australian dollars ($180 US).