Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is the strangest thing you've found in the dog house?

strawberries. my dog used to pick them and hide em in is house for a midnight snack. for the longest time, i thought slugs were eating all my strawberries...then i was looking out the window one afternoon while doing some dishes. lo and behold, i caught my dog in the act of picking the berries and putting them in his house. hilarious.
a dog
i have never been in a dog house, BUT the strangest thing i've ever seen a dog do was when one of the puppies threw up, the other puppies came and ate it! EWW!! GROSS!!!!
the strangest thing i've found in a dog house was a little child's yellow rain boot, i have no idea how my dogs got it =S
neighbors sneakers, work gloves, and a screwdriver
Poop and hay mixed up from the bedding! EWW!! GROSS!!
I don't have a dog house is the dogs house too! But my 1 year old male brings in rocks and piles them up behind my couch!!
My pampered kids have an indoor "house". They use it to store food and their toys.
I used to have a dog that would take a pair of clean underwear out of the stack of folded clothes and make a hole in them. She would then take them to her house to sleep with. It was weird.
My Stupid neighbor's Stupid kid hiding from his Stupid mom so he didn't have to mow his Stupid lawn. Oh yeah anybody wanna buy my house?
My son's dirty underwear.
Curtains, wall to wall carpeting, a gas fireplace %26 a marble foyer.
My two year old granddaughter! We could not find her. We could hear this muffled sobbing and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. When we finally found her 5 minutes later she was stuck going into the doghouse, but could not back her way out. (My dog is a chihuahua)
a petrefied squirrl that my dog was so glad to finally catch after his 7 years of living (so far)
Pamela Sue Anderson
A skunk.
And it was alive.
It was sleeping in there with one of my cats.
All my dogs have lovely deluxe home made dog houses, couresty of my carpenter father, they have been nicknamed by visitors 'the palaces'. One of my dogs keeps pinching my shoes, but only one of the pair, so if i can find one shoe but not the other, i check 'the palaces'. Another one of my dogs is really sly about pinching my kids soft toys, everytime i go to clean out his kennel, i find about 1/2 a dozen stuffed toys hidden under his bed.
my cat
I actually don't have a dog house, but when I was boarding my dog at his breeder's house he was playing with her puppy who is a month older than him, and one of them would go in the dog house and the other one would jump on top of the dog house and they would bark at each other!
well i would have to say a rabbit witch my dog didnt kill it was living in the dog house with the dog. thought it was strange but after i had thought about it we had owned a rabbit before witch my dog just loved so i guess i can understand why she let a rabbit live in her dog house.
My husband. He's a little strange sometimes.

But he knows where to go when he's messed up ;-)
i found a mansion
p.s. my dog is scooby doo
my younger brother.
Ear Plugs.
a used condom
I'd have to say a oppassum , a live one at that... My underwear, bras, socks ... Pretty much anything a dog could chew they'll put in their dog house
barfed up socks %26 underwear!!!
anything that belongs to my mother in law that she sets down and walks away from,my female GSD totaly hates her.
A dead mouse

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