Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is wrong with my dog?

I have a 4year old golden retriever.He is really sweet around humans but when another dog is around he is so aggressive.It's like every time a dog comes up he gets real stocky and acts all big and he growls at them and tries to fight.My dad says he feels offended when they come too close to him.One day we were walking him and this little yorkie came up and kept barking.Jake(the dog) got out of his collar and attacked the little dog and was on top of him.(he didn't hurt him was like a warning).We finally got control of him and he was fine after the little dog left him alone.Another time this lab was by us while we were walking him and they went off on each other.little chunks of hair was on the ground.(they were both fine)then 3 more times that happened with other little dogs while we were walking him.He isn't fixed because we are planning on breeding him and plus he stays in the yard most of the time until we walk him or take him swimming.Is he just not sociable?
Get him neutered. All we need is another badly bred litter of Goldens with lousy temperments. Someone or another dog is going to get really hurt. You'll get sued.
have you tried talking to a behaviorist?? they can shed more light on the situation rather than us reading about it.
Unneutred male dogs tend to be more aggressive towards other dogs. Neutring him will help, but he may not ever be 100% good around other dogs.

Keep him under better control. Muzzle him on walks if you have to, but there is no excuse for allowing you animal to attack another pet.
You may need to take him to obedience school! This helped immensley with my dog who was exactly the same way! He was not properly socialized, and aggressiveness was the result.
Alot of dogs just don't like other dogs. Another problem is him not being neutered. He is defending his territory: his home, and his family. You can try trainers to correct him, but it's usually territorial. Just keep control of him. Try a pinch collar, not a choker-chain, they are worse. Pinch collars will teach him not to pull and he will be easier to control.
Your dog is not good with other dogs because he is very dominant and because he was not properly socialized with other dogs when he was a puppy. It has nothing to do with him feeling "offended."

Severe dog aggression (which yours has) and high dominance is rare in goldens and not typical for the breed and frankly for this reason, your dog is not a good candidate for breeding and should be neutered. Neutering should reduce his dominance level and may make him somewhat better with other dogs. Working with a trainer may also help, though he may never be 100% trustworthy with other dogs.
Your not really serious about breeding an aggressive dog are you? This is not a good thing here. Golden's are not supposed to be aggressive in any way shape of form. It seems he was not properly socialized when he was a pup and since he is intact he now see's every dog as a threat to himself and to you. He is being over protective. These are not good traits that need to be passed on to his pups.
Do yourself and Jake a favor and have him neutered.
if you don't want to bring him to an obedience school, you can tray bringing him into dogs slowly, It means bring with you his favorite treats or food, bring slowly other dog and any time he tries to bark or attack just say no and if he stop give him a treat.. try bring the other dog closer each time. It could take time but I think if you do it for 10 mins / day for like 3 weeks he'll be much better with dogs.and be patient with him, it's not easy to change a behaivor to a 4 years old dog
He should have been socialized as a younger pup. You should get him fixed as if he already shows dog aggression it is a bad idea to breed him. He may get agressive towards the female and if it is just male aggression then getting him fixed may make him less aggressive. You need to do something before he does hurt one of these other dogs seriously and if he does it too often they make you have him put down. So for the safety of your dog and other dogs have him neutered.
oh for heavens sake, get him neutered immediately. He does NOT need to be bred to create more dogs !!! He is an alpha dog, he wants to be the big guy, the leader of the pack. You should take him to obedience class and get him around other dogs and teach him that he can't be the boss all the time. A collar, no matter what kind it is, will not make him like other dogs. Watch the dog whisperer and see how he handles this problem, he would make your dog be with other dogs and discipline him whenever he shows aggression. But first---GET HIM NEUTERED!!!
Your Goldie has a classic case of "Dog Aggresson." What this means, is that he is aggressive toward other dogs. It is an act of Dominance, either from fear or from not being taught that's not the right thing to do. It sounds to me like it's gotten way beyond what you and your family can handle or change, so I would suggest IMMEDIATELY going to a Behaviorlist... one that will teach you how to control and change his behavior. It's a dangerous behavior that could easily land him with a "Vicious Dog" verdict... and if not tended to, could even mean that you'll be forced to put him down.

I don't want to scare you, but it's importnat to deal with this problem decisively, and immediately. It may only be dogs now.. but left unchecked, it could worsen.

If this is not an option for you, then buy a 'Basket Muzzle' and put it on him when you go for walks. A Basket muzzle is a metal or plastic cage-style muzzle that allows full ventilation, but covers the muzzle completely. Unlike the cloth tube style muzzles, this does not allow him to nip through the end of it.

It's not that he isn't sociable... it's that he doesn't know HOW to be sociable. Training can do WONDERS, and WILL do wonders. Being an 'unaltered' male shouldn't make any difference. For your Goldie, it's about being on top, or being afraid. Females will be just as aggressive without the proper training and care.

End all, be all of this: Seek professional help. Please. For his sake as much as the sake of the dog he eventually attacks and seriously injurs.
First off, don't breed him. You don't want to breed an animal with obvious personality problems. That would be wrong.
Now for helping you with this problem, look up "Nothing in life is free" It will help teach the dog that people are in control and he doesn't have to lead the pack.. which is what he is doing by challenging every dog that he encounters. Next, you need to get him into dog lessons. Let the instructor know what are you deeling with so that he or she will be prepared to help you. Look up dog clubs in your area, they are usually less exspensive than petsmart, and IMO they do a better job. Finnally, you have to PREVENT him getting loose. Ge a no pull harness, or even better, get a gentle leader head harness. You have to keep other dogs safe or there will be complaints about him and you may end up loosing him.
You can get him past this, ppl train their dogs through this all the time, but don't breed him. Fix him and keep him as a pet
If you have friends with dogs, I would suggest spending time with them and there dog. The more time your dog spends around other dogs the better. It will just become routine to see other dogs. You should be right there when you first start this training. The more time he spends around other dogs the less agressive he should be towards them. They will have "testing" each other out to see who is "top or alpha" dog. Expect it to be heated but correct overly aggressive behavior, letting him know that his actions are not ok. In time he will come around. Good Luck
Neutering a dog does not solve behavioral issues. You are in need of a trainer that has experience with aggression problems. Start with a local, reputable trainer and follow his/her advice even if it means boarding school.
You've missed the opportunity to socialize your dog to other dogs, that can only happen when they are puppies. You now must rely on repetition to achieve any kind of social behavior towards other animals. You must also learn to apply the appropriate corrections to keep your dog in tow and prevent a more serious accident from occurring.
Well, considering that apparently you did not socailize him well with other dogs when he was little, Its to late to totally fix that problem now.But male dogs are known to be arrgressive (Somtimes VERY arrgresive like your dog) with same sex dogs. The only way to fix that a little is to get him fixed or just not take him anywhere.
So you want a litter of dog-aggressive puppies? Please remember that what exists in the parents is most often passed to the pups. This is NOT ideal temperament for a golden. Your dog should not be bred. (And that's not even taking into consideration the rest of your dog as far as registry, conformation, titles, pedigree, etc.) Temperament is what you have to live with. Sound temperament should be at the very top of any breeder's list of necessary characteristics in ANY breed.

Neutering, in combination with obedience training, should help your problem. Whole males, particularly alpha type males, present you with dominance issues. I'd look for a trainer that also routinely deals with aggression issues in dogs. Not just your local PetSmart.

You need to get a firm grasp on this dog's behavior, by putting in some time and effort at some expense. You've been lucky so far. What happens when the person with the little dog gets between your dog and hers, trying to save it, and gets severely bitten? Good luck with that lawsuit. Bet it costs more than the surgery and some training fees.
Get help with training!
Your dog is probally ill.
The dog was probably not socialized with other dogs. Most people don't think about that when they raise a dog. You should always introduce your dog at a very young age to many different kinds of people and animals so they don't get aggressive with them later in life. Also with him not being fixed he is also going to be more aggressive.

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