Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is wrong with my puppy?

hes a jack russell so he is usually very hyper. Lately he has not done anything but lay around. He wont eat much or drink. The other day his body was cold. His nose is like an ice cube and he has a lot of spit gathering in his mouth. He has diarrehea and is throwing up mucus. I've tried calling vets in my area but none of them are in today. I dont know what to do. What could be wrong with him?
You shouldn't have waited until the weekend.
Can you take him to another town closer to you? He really needs to see a vet. His body temperature shows he is very ill.

I agree with You Asked, it does sound like parvo.
did you tell the vet it is an emerengcy? cause they have to have er dr on call 23 hours day. try to call them back and tell them it is an er.
Sounds like it could be parvo, Get him to a vet immediately without fluids thru an IV his survival rate is almost 0.

EDIT: Very sorry to hear about your dog, I am almost postive he had parvo.. Good luck to you
Contact an emergency vet service in a nearby city or town.
Get him to a vet.
What food has he been eating ???

Look at the yellowpages in your phone book under veterinarians and look for any ads that say after hours emergency or emergency clinic

What ever he has wrong with him is extremely serious he may not make it till monday unless he gets to a vet ASAP
Please get him help. could be the food. a virus. I have a puppy chihuahua and I would die if anything happens to her. God bless.
Poor tike :[

If no vet is in today, check around areas near you because you never know what he has. Sure, if may be the flu, but he's a puppy and nothing is too small.
So check vets near the area (May be a 20 minute drive more, but your pup is totally worth it, right?)

But i hope he is fine :]
Well any good vet would have a 24 hr emergency number and a calling service. Look in the business section of your phone book and some with have 24 hr emergency right in their add then call them and see if they will arrange to see your pup. Otherwise try calling a animal hospital usually there is staff their or call a boarding kennel they should have a number for a vet incase of emergency. How about your vet that does his shots? If you know her name you might find it in the phone book. He may have gotten into something posionous. But it sounds serious!
is his tummy big? i know it's a weird question, but my dog had the same problems and she had a big hard tummy like she was preg. but she wasn't. she ended up having a parasite or something and she had to have surgery.
sounds like parvo, please call around to another vet and tell them what he's doing he needs to be seen today! please keep us updated on how he's doing!!
YouAsked is correct.
Has the puppy had it's shots? Even if he has had a Parvo shot there is still no guarantee that he hasn't contracted Parvo. If he had the virus prior to the shot the shot may not work.
Parvo is a very very nasty virus and can kill a puppy in no time.
Keeping the animal hydrated is a MUST and it is hard to do when they are vomiting and having diarrhea. A diarrhea stool that stinks worse than any smell you have smelled before and has mucos in it is generally a Parvo stool and a sure sign that the dog has it.
If your puppy can't/won't even keep water down needs to have IV fluids so it is imperative that you find a vet of some kind.
Try giving the puppy some room temperature milk. This will ease the sick tummy and it will provide some kind of fluid and will help to slow down the diarrhea. . . if he takes it and keeps it down.
Check your Yellow Pages for a 24hr Emergency Vet Clinic and even if your local vets are closed,they usually have someone on call so don't let the fact that their offices are closed deter you. . . . Stay on that phone until you find someone to take the puppy NOW or you may not have a puppy come daylight.

P.S. And YES. . . Keep us updated as to what happens.
check his pupils(the black spot between the colored part), if they are dilelated(one being bigger than the other), then it is possiable that he ate something he should not have and is allergic to it, or even worse, he could have swallowed something poisoniss. also, if you have given him medicine or if he has recently gotten a shot of some kind (especially rabies shots), he maybe allergic to that, because my previous dog got really sick after her rabies shots. she eventally got better, but was never the same. ask your vet when he is back in, but this is the advice the i can give you from my own personal experice. but i can asure you this, if he does not see a vet soon and get medical attention, he could die.
Well it seems that you'r dog might have the flew that is what they usually do! So go yo a vet that is in a different city! Also it would help if you get another dog it might need a friend! Also! It could of got hit with something hard! Plus watch the t.v you could have fed him the wrong food!
Well one thing that you can do is give him some Pepto-Bismol庐 For dogs only. Relieve vomiting or stomach gas, diarrhea. 1 tsp. per 20 Lbs. Every 6 hours. This will help you until you can get to the vet. If there is any blood in the stool or vomit then you may want to take him to the vet emergency. Also if you think that he drank of chemicals then give him Mineral Oil, Eliminate constipation. Dogs: up to 4 Tbls.
Cats: up to 2 Tbls. Daily, as needed.

Diarrhea: Ensure your pet is drinking enough fluids. In addition to their water bowl, a bowl of Gatorade庐 will further help. Stop feeding for 24 hours from the onset of the diarrhea. When your pet is ready to eat again, try 2 parts cooked white rice mixed with 1 part boiled hamburger or skinless white meat chicken, feeding small amounts every 4 hours for 2 days. Slowly introduce their regular food back into the diet. If the diarrhea doesn't subside, seek the advise of your veterinarian. It may be caused by intestinal parasites or something more serious.

Vomiting: Stop feeding your pet for 24 hours, only providing water. Afterwards, slowly introduce mild foods back into the diet over a 3 day time period, to include boiled hamburger, boiled chicken, cooked rice, and/or cottage cheese. If the vomiting continues after the first 24 hours or if there is bloating, consult your veterinarian immediately.
i had something similar happen to my toy rat terrier when he was a puppy. it ended up being the dog food named something diamond. it had been recalled but the people kept selling it. it was causing some kind of fungus build up in him or something so his diarrehea and vomit was coming out green.

anyways, regardless he needs to be takin to a vet ASAP! all vets have emergency vet numbers, it just costs more, but its worth it to save your pet! call your local vet office, their message on the answering machine will usually give you an emergency number to call

good luck with your pup!

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