Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the best trick your dog can do?

most creative, cutest, most difficult, its favorite.. your favorite.. ect.
she has a tendency to sprint into glass doors thinking their open.

its hilarious.
If I point my fingure at my dog and go "bang bang" he rolls over and plays dead.
well, today she took a crap in the kitchen, whilst I was making myself a Taco. yeah, right there, didn't bother to scratch at the door to go out..just popped a squat and left a steamer.
Well I just love it when my dog does not pee on the floor, beats any trick we could teach her!
Making my dog smile!
Retrieve $50 fast-cash from my local ATM.though sometimes he punches in my wife's PIN, instead of mine. Well, he tries.
Complete a Master Hunt Test
my lab-kiss
my jack russell terrier lay ( looks like play dead)or come touch i don't know she's still learning because she's a pup
My beagle, who's name is Ally Mcbeagle, can catch anything as long as its food. I can throw a dog treat from across the room, and she will catch it. Its pretty sweet, although I'm sure many dogs can do it. Booya!
I taught one of my dogs to 'whisper'. It's a great trick. He barks but only air comes out of his mouth. Everyone loves it.

Just to clarify, he is NOT de-barked. He can bark loudly on command too.
I have a pitbull mixed with something rescue dog who is a natural bird dog. We were out shooting starlings at the barn- first time by this dog (Hunter, we didn't name him, but it will fit his new "job"). He was wary of the gun- sat behind us or at our sides. Our other two dogs were weaving in and out- we had to take care not to shoot them. When I hit a bird, he trotted over, picked it up and dropped it at our feet- we can't even get him to do that during fetch!
Mine is an escape artist..

I have a golden retriever that seems to be an expert at escaping form our house, (don't know why -- we feed him, he is well taken care of) he just seems to have a very carefree nature about him.
We have 2 other dogs and only he does this.

First we did NOT have a fence and he started running off, so we installed a fence, he learned to squeeze in-between the bars, we covered the bar with wooden planks all around, he learned to climb our tree, and jump out. We covered the tree, he was still getting out, we tied the dog down, he got loose. We put a small door about 4.5 feet high in a small area to keep him in and he learned to climb over it!!!

He is terrified of lightening so we bring him inside the house,
and keep him in the bathroom (to keep him from hearing the thunder), he learned to turn the knob and walk out!!!

He is now about 11 yrs. old -- acts like he is 2 yrs. Always wants to go for his "walks" and always comes back and scratches the door to be let in.

Awww look at the doggie ..
when our JRT wants to go out, he stands on hind legs and paws air with front paws. Then when you say "want to go out?" he gets down and sneezes at you til you let him out.
I have a (beautiful!) yellow labrador named Phoenix...he's 3 and a half years old now. Oh, and constantly learning random little tricks : )

Phoenix knows all the basic doggie commands (i.e. sit, lay down, heel...)

Phoenix knows to go around furniture when we say "go around"

He plays dead when you say "bang" and pretend to shoot him with ur hand. (took me no more than 5 minutes to teach him that one : ) )

He shakes hands...always with his left in the process of teaching him right from left.when you say "paw" or just "shake hands"

Phoenix sits on his butt and puts both his paws in your hands when you say "up" or "sit up"

And goes potty on command when you take him outside and tell him "away with you"
thats because when we were potty training him he would just sit by you while our older chocolate lab named snickers went. So we kept telling him to go or away with you. He finally got it : )

this is by far an incomplete list...he is constantly learning new ones

(") ^_^ (")
When he really, really doesn't want to do something he plays
dead then jumps up and gives me a kiss.
Well, my family works in the circus and we have a Doberman act, so the question is for me, what cant they do?

But I'll tell you some anyway- One can jump rope, while another can hold the rope while I spin.
They jump through fire, leap frog, attack on commend, rare on the hind legs when their sitting on command, push a stroller, bite and hold, dance, give high 5's, jump though hula hoops, walk on a barrel, weave in and out of my legs when I walk, vicously bark on command, roll, climb ladders, bring me what I point for, beg, keep treat on all four legs and nose without touching untill i say, searching, and the list goes on forever.

But my favorite trick is the weaving, and theirs is sitting bc its the easiest!
Well, I have 7 dogs who are quite amazing, they all do the "bang" trick where they fall over and play dead, but they each do their own too.

Kobe - she can jump rope and skateboard, it's hilarious

Ryder - he knows how to play hide and seek, I say "hide" and he'll run and hide, usually behind a tree but sometimes even in a shopping cart. He can also find me when it's my turn to hide

Outlaw - He's the fetch freak, I can tell him to fetch me anything - ANYTHING and he'll do it. One of our cats got out, I told him to fetch him and he picked him up by his scruff and carried him in the house. He also gets the morning paper

Ruthless - He jumps up and can turn the light on and off, it's really usefull when I'm lying in bed and forget to shut it off, but it's also annoying when it's his bed time and he turns it on, he can also turn on the TV with his muzzle

Reckless - He sings! I play music (usually rap) and say "sing" and he sings along, it sounds really neat, sometimes he even dances. He's also really good at climbing high fences - and I mean high (taller then 8 feet tall!), and sometimes when there's a cat, or even a person, I say "sic' em" and he'll NEVER stop chasing them until he either catches them or I tell him to quit. He'll climb fences, climb trees, dodge cars and even jump at the door of the house.

Capone - He carries groceries home for us, we give him a bag, he puts it in his mouth and carries it home. He's also a champion agility dog and knows how to open and close locked doors and gates.

Ace - He knows how to open and close the fridge, but only if there's a towel tied to it. He pulls it open and shuts it when he wants to. He doesn't grab any food though, he knows better. He also gets all of the dogs in the basement if a visitor comes over, they can get a bit hyper sometimes. Other then that, he knows how to spray me with the hose and pick flowers from the garden.-
She can do lots of tricks and she is only 5 months old. She sits, sits pretty, she lays on command, put her head down on command, she shakes with either paws and both, she fetches, she does lots of tricks but most of all my favorite one is when she will dance with us.
I have two daughters and we will put music on and they will dance around so my Boston Terrier will want to dance. I will say you wanna dance and she will come to me and jump her front legs up onto my hands and will stand on her hind legs while she holds my hands and we will move around and dance. She loves it and goes nuts over it. Its soooo cute. She will just keep coming back to give you her paws so she can dance some more.

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