Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the best way to keep fleas and ticks off my dog?

frontline is the best ad will kill ticks, fleas AND their eggs.
Advantage never seems to last as long or be as effective as frontline.

you should be treating your dog for fleas and ticks with a medication on a monthy basis.

flea collars and shampoo is NOT enough.
frontline plus
Go to your vet and buy some "Advantage" - that's the best product out there. I never heard anything good about Frontline (other than the commercials) and yes, I used it before (and it didn't do anything). So I changed to Advantage and since then my dog has no fleas or ticks.
Yep, Frontline Plus indeed. Regular Frontline treats fleas for up to a month and ticks for up to two weeks. Frontline Plus also kilsl the flea eggs, so it prevents re-infestation of the environment.
Frontline Plus is a spot-on, so messy shampoos and baths are unnecesary! It lasts for 6 weeks.

There are a fewgood Flea/Tick preventatives that you can choose from. We use Frontline Plus. Here is a links that compares the different preventatives that are out there.
go to the vet and get the treatment. or there is alot of stuff at the stores. just don't try to save and get the cheap stuff cuz it doesn't work. But i heard it is a bad year for ticks. i have 4 dogs.
Feed your dog a natural diet of raw meaty bones and organs from a variety of animls and fleas and ticks will not be interested in him.
People don't understand that t is what you put into your dogs that draws disease, bad breath, huge piles of poo, dental decay, fleas and ticks.
Research Raw diets for dogs for a few days and you will get the picture.
We have been feeding raw since Jan. 2003 and have not had a single flea or tick on our dogs since and use no 'prevention'.
Prior to feeding the raw diet we had to use it all the time and battled fleas and ticks every summer. I know first hand that diet is the key to this and many other issues

For those of you who will give the 'thumbs down' ... Do some research and learn something. Dogs and cats should not naturally have to be dosed monthly with chemicals to stay healthy!!!
Advantage has always worked better for me then Frontline. Both are extremely expensive though. if you bug balms to rid you house, then Pennyroyal oil and "Pet Guard" (Both available at local health food stores will keep them away. Use the pet guard daily in their food all year long. It makes them taste bitter and the bugs stay away. Pennyroyal smells like peppermint so it is pleasant to use around the house. Put a drop or two on your dog and the same on carpets or dog bedding. Eucalyptus and Citronella oils work really well too. You can use PennyRoyal yourself as a repellent.
There are tons of topical products you can spray on your dog once a month or once every two months. I like the product called "Revolution" which you put on the dog base of the neck once a month, it protects against fleas, heartworms, ticks, mites and mange. Talk to your vet about what they recommend for your area. I live in Canada, and we give heartworm treatment for 6 months, but, in more southern areas, you have to give it to them all year long.
I alternate between Frontline Plus and Advantage every 4-6 months. This way the fleas and ticks dont build up an immunity to one product.

I also suggest that you use a heartworm prevention for your pet. This is more important that controlling fleas and ticks. I have for years used a product called Nuheart ( which I have found to be excellent.
I hope this helps.
Hi! With my dog, I put these droplets (in between her shouder blades, on the skin) every month in the summer, called 'Bob Martins Flea Control' that controls fleas, ticks etc. If works like a wonder, it's painless and effective for 4 weeks. We also shampoo her every month with flea shampoo. You shouldn't use it every time you shampoo your dog though, we've been told, just every other time. Some people also use tick/flea collars, on top. These are the only methods I've heard of, but the capsules (drops) seem to be working great! Hope I helped! xx
The best way to keep fleas off your dog is to avoid places where they exist in the first place.Remove standing water from your yard. Keep your dog away from dead wild animals, especially birds, racoons, squirrels, and rabbits. Also keep him away from tall grasses and excessively woody areas that are shady and damp. Launder his bedding at least weekly and also bathe him weekly as well during summer months with an citrus based dog shampoo as they kill fleas on contact. Absolutely no need for heatworm preventers in tabs or in tubes to be squeezed on a monthly basis because you are depositing poison into the dog's blood stream unnecessarily.

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