Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the best way to housetrain a jack russell terrier puppy?

We have a jack russell terrier who has been very difficult to potty train. He is full blooded and very hyper. He is great with the kids and we love having him but are getting very tired of having him go to the bathroom in the house within 5 minutes of taking him outside to go to the bathroom. The most frustrating part is that he gets 10-15 minutes to be outside, does his business, sniffs around and then he heads back to the door to come back inside. Generally within 5 minutes of coming back inside the house, he has gone to the bathroom somewhere in the house. We have tried puppy pads, which he just tears up and makes a mess out of, we have tried confining him to an area which only makes that area completely reek of urine and feces.We have gone thru 5 big bottles of bleach in the last month alone just from bleaching all over the house to eliminate his smell so as to deter him and not allow his scent to linger and to keep our house smelling nice.PLEASE HELP! We love him-not his messes!
The most important tip for successful puppy housebreaking is “Persistence is the key”.

1– First, you need to teach your puppy where you want him to go to the bathroom. Your puppy will not know where to go if you don’t show him. Therefore, he won’t know if he went in the wrong spot. We suggest starting the housebreaking process outside. Many people tend to paper train and in essence you are making the training process harder for you and may end having to retrain him.

2- Praise is essential in the puppy housebreaking process. It will make him feel more confident when you praise him with a treat or pat on the back for a job well done – not messing in the house! While mistakes can and will happen and you may get frustrated – it is very important to not punish your dog, yell or swat him if he has an accident in the house.

3- Be aware of your puppies eating and bathroom habits this will help you get him out side in time to prevent any accidents in the home. Puppies usually have to urinate upon waking up; don’t delay taking him outside upon starting his day. Puppies also defecate regularly after each meal – usually within twenty minutes from eating. Pay attention to your puppy, he will give you signals he has to go out but you have to be in tune with them. These signs include restless circling, squatting and sniffing.

Never carry your puppy outside! You should choose a command to signal him it is time to go outside and that should be the command you always use – puppies like and need a routine that they will become familiar with. When he makes it out the door and does finish his business, praise him – puppies also love attention and affection, let him know he did a good job for his master!

4- Some days will be harder than others but if he makes a mistake in the house, try to ignore it the first time. Yelling at him or swatting him will only make the training process harder for you and your dog scared! Avoid negativity at all cost. Again, we know this might be hard after a day at the office and dealing with the kids but you will be thankful later!

5 – If you will be leaving your puppy alone for a couple of hours, barricade off a corner of the house or use a dog crate but don’t just leave him free to roam the house! Puppies usually will not toilet the area in which they sleep.

Take your puppy outside right before putting him in the crate and then take him outside again immediately upon returning home. Don’t leave any water down on the floor while in this housebreaking process, if you are gone too long he may not be able to help it and have to go. Do make sure to leave him plenty of toys to keep him busy.

A crate can be a very helpful training tool for your dog while in the training process and not wanting to give him full reign of the house just yet. This will happen over time. But remember along with bathroom accidents, puppies like to chew and they will chew anything in their path if they are able to reach it and you aren’t there to tell him “No!”

In closing, Praise your puppy and set him up on a routine, the end result will be a happy dog and a happy dog lover!
take him on a REALLY long walk im talking hour(s) or how ever often u dog goes 2 the bathroom hell have 2 go 2 the bathrrom on that walk and do that EVERYDAY...i dont no iv never had any potty trainging problems with ANY of my dogs
first of all a kennel is the best way.dogs dont like to be dirty. start by limiting his food,a cup in the morning ,15 minutes later take him out until he goes.reward him. then do the same for lunch,dinner.until he catches on.when hes bad put him in a kennel.thoughout the day ask him if hes gotta go out.he will catch on it just takes time and patiance.i have 4 dogs myself,and they still love their kennels.and no messes..good luck

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