Friday, July 31, 2009

What is the minimum age a puppy is able to leave its mother?

A puppy should be an absolute MINIMUM of 8 weeks old.

Many breeders keep their puppies until between 10 and 14 weeks. During this time, the puppy is still learning different social behaviors from the mother and the rest of the litter. I recommend waiting to at least 12 weeks to separate the puppy from it's mother and the rest of the litter.
7 weeks and that is pushing it. It could cause some bad behavioral problems. You really should wait until 8 weeks.
6 weeks old. I, personally, would wait untill they are 8 weeks just to make sure it is going to be strong and healthy enough.
8 weeks is the minimum for good social development. If taken from the dam and littermates earlier they often do not properly relate to other dogs.
8 weeks is the legal minimum age here for selling a puppy, but another couple of weeks would really be better.
Don't rush it ! The puppies will be more healthier if the stay longer with their mother, i think it have something with their immune system. Mothers milk have some enzymes that keep dog healthier.

Take care !
8-9 weeks make sure that the puppy is eating solid food and the longer you leave it with the mother is better as when they nurse they will get more enzymes to help them fight off bacterial infections
I got mine at 6 weeks and she was fine and very healthy, but 8 weeks is usually recommended.
6-8 weeks and no less.
6-7 weeks depending on their progress of growing, independence etc.
8 weeks is the LEGAL minimum age, but technically as long as the mother has stopped nursing the puppy they are free to go. I on two seperate occasions have gotten puppies at 5 weeks old and they were extremely well behaved. Of course you have to get them puppy formula until they can eat solid food but that wasn't a problem for me.
Where I live (NH), it is illegal to sell or give a puppy away before 8 weeks although you can get away with it. Not that I'm trying to go against the law. It just happens my pups mother got very ill and I took my puppy home at 6 weeks!

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