Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the best way to remove ticks from a dog?

my puppy has about a hundred.
Follow these:

Don't remove the tick with your fingers.
In many areas of the country the tick is likely to be carrying lyme disease or other pathogens that can harm humans.

Don't squash the tick.
The spirochete that causes Lyme disease hibernates in the tick’s intestine, sometimes for years, waiting for a signal that a new host is available. This signal, an influx of fresh blood, triggers an enormous increase in the spirochete population. After filling the intestine, spirochetes move to the salivary glands and enter the their new host along with anticoagulants and anesthetics produced by the tick. Squashing the tick spreads spirochetes everywhere.

Don't try to burn the tick or smother it with Vaseline etc..
Once that tick is firmly fastened in place, it takes time for the tick to detach itself and depart. No matter how badly the tick may wish to leave quickly, it simply can’t. A burning cigarette may kill the tick but won’t make it fall off. Ticks can live without air for a long time, so attempts to smother it allow disease transmission to continue for several hours. Anything that upsets or harms the tick without removing it can theoretically cause the tick to regurgitate its stomach contents back into the host, increasing the likelihood of disease transmission.

Don't twist the tick out.
Ticks aren’t threaded. Your best chance of removing the head is pulling straight out with steady traction. Twisting invariably leaves the head behind. Because tick-twisters don’t feel the head break off they think it has been removed.

Clean the area with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball.

Using blunt tweezers, grasp the tick as near to its mouthparts and as close to the skin as you can. Steadily pull the tick up and out, but do not squeeze or twist the tick.

Do not attempt to pull the tick off with your fingers, as the head may break off from the body and become embedded in the skin.

Do not use heat from a match or a lit cigarette to remove the tick, as the heat may cause the tick to embed itself even farther into the skin.

do not burn the tick with a match! do not use gasoline, turpentine or any irritating chemical to make the tick “back out”.

If the tick's head is embedded in the skin:
With your thumb and forefinger pinch up the fold of skin with the embedded tick head.

Using a scalpel or a sterilized single razor blade, carefully scrape the skin containing the head and mouth of the tick, or use a sterilized needle to break the skin and remove the head and mouth. If you are tick squeamish, ask you doctor to perform this tick extraction.

Cleanse the bitten area thoroughly with an antiseptic.
pay someone else to do it for you.
Use a pair of gloves and use flea/ tick shampoo for puppies. Leave the solution on for five minutes.

You should purchase a tick scraper to remove the ticks. You can purchase it at Petco or Petsmart. Here's the description

It's beats going to the groomer or the vet and is much safer than burning the tip of the needle with a lighter. But if you must go to the vet due to the hundreds of ticks, do so because your puppy could become anemic and go into shock.

Good luck!
take it to the vet

if you squeeze a tick the wrong way.. you could kill your dog
I use a pair of forceps or tweezers then burn them with a lighter
I would have a Vet do it. If you decide to do it yourself, my Vet said to get a paper towel, put it over the tick and pull it out. You have to get the legs of the tick out of the dog.

Some people burn them with a cigarette, but the Vet said that the tick just grows back again, because you don't get it all out that way.

You ought to get some medicine for tick and flea prevention from your Vet. That many ticks on a puppy could be very dangerous to the puppy, because the ticks suck blood out of the dog.

Good luck!
You should see a veterinarian asap with that many ticks on the dogs skin. With such a large infestation the dog can easily succumb to major health issues and possibly die.

Your vet will be able to provide a dip/toppical treatment that will help with the removal, and will have other staff (like technicians) on hand to help get rid of the ticks.

The dog probably also needs to be on an IV at the very least.
Don't bite off more than you can chew. I know you want to help, but honestly the vet is your best bet at this point.
Wow, that's terrible! The puppy will need to see the vet as it is almost surely anemic from all the tiny vampiric ticks sucking it's blood ! Even if you got all the ticks off, the puppy still needs vet attention.

It will probably need fluids and may need antibiotics as well.

Get some Frontline or Advantage if the puppy is over 8 weeks to keep ticks off. If the ticks came from the yard, you probably need to spray your yard. Keep any pets out of the yard the day it is sprayed. Keep the puppy in the house till the yard is safer. I prefer my dogs to live in the house anyway. They play and go potty outside, but live with me inside. So with Frontline, I rarely see any pests on them.

The way to remove a single tick is to wear gloves and using tweezers gently grasp the body of the tick right near the skin. I keep a gently pull going while I rotate the body of the tick slightly counter-clockwise. The head will normally release and you can drop the tick into a bowl of alcohol to make sure it's dead.

If the head stays behind it's not a huge deal, just disinfect the bite area and let the vet know. Depending on where you live ticks can carry disease.

If you use flea and tick shampoo, it must stay on for a good 10 minutes before you rinse it off. Even then, you'll usually end up picking the ticks off by hand.

Don't use multiple products on a puppy. Only what the vet advises so you don't poison the pup.

I would NEVER put a lit cigarette or anything hot near a puppy's skin !!! It's not neccessary and you could burn the dog !
omg lady i cant belive u let it get that far
The best thing to do is take it to the vet and let a professional remove the tick, you don't want to leave the head inside the pet this could cause a skin infection in your pet. Also there are many tick born disease's if your pet starts to act lethargic or has stiff painful joints you should take him/her in immediately to have test run. Another good idea is using a monthly flea and tick preventive that can be purchased at your vets office like front-line, only purchase at the vet no over the counter medicine these can be very dangerous to your pet and toxic and potently kill him so have a professional remove the tick and get some prevention at your vets office,
good luck
You don't have FINGERS???
Never heard of INSECTICIDES???

You do ***NOT*** need tools or FLAME or chemicals!


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