Friday, July 31, 2009

What is the difference between a tiger striped and a brindle pit bull?

I thought they were both the same.
They are the same thing. The term "tiger striped" got applied by people who were into street-corner dog fighting, and knew absolutely nothing of canine genetics and proper terminology, so they just applied what they knew. They did have enough sense to know that a tiger is striped, so they described the dogs in those terms. The CORRECT term is "brindle". Brindle is not a separate breed-I don't know whether to laugh or throw up when I hear people say that they have a litter of puppies that's "half tiger-striped Pit and half American Pit", as if they were two separate breeds altogether-nor is it a color, but a color PATTERN that occurs in many breeds and mixed-breeds, including Dachshunds, Great Danes, Whippets, Scottish Terriers, etc., not just in Pit Bull Terriers.
brindle is a darker brown with black. Grays and whites are allowed too. the lines are not as apparent or uniform.
They are. Brindle is the correct term. There are some with light brindling and some that are heavily brindled. But still Brindle.

We have Brindles in my breed as well. I've had 3 particolor brindles (white with brindle patches).
They are the same. The term used for that coat pattern is "brindle".
Brindle is the correct term, but there are different brindle patterns. Great Danes come in brindle too, as do a few other breeds. Tiger stripe is one pattern, as is onyx brindle and reverse brindle (light stripes on dark).

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