Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is the best kind of family dog?

i want dog who no matter what a child does to it never loses its cool.
female or male?
St Bernard
even with kids riding it , steping on it , poking it , they are pretty well docile .
they love to play and are protective of their family mostly the little ones .. i would not suggest a dog from the pound because u don't know how they were raised and the people only know what they were told of the animal .. i adopted a dog from the pound and they told me he was not a family dog but he was the best dog we ever had until he died a year ago.. so u are going to have to go with your gut .. but as a rule i would get the dog young enough to grow up with the kids .. for now when they get older the a pound puppy is good to .. also look at the book store get a dog book on all the breeds it will help u they list all the dogs and how they are family - kids - or single person
good luck
All litters have dogs that range from one end of the spectrum to the other

Find a respected breeder and then tell them what you are after and they will help you get a puppy/dog that will have the characteristics you desire... they usually test at day 49...

Good Luck
there are calmish breeds of dogs, but individual personalities vary enourmously in dogs. I dont know that there is a particular breed that will take all kinds of abuse from children, rather you should be looking for a particular dog. Male or female is both ok as long as they are desexed. If I were you I would be looking for a mature dog as opposed to a puppy, maybe two or three years old. A dog shelter is a good place to start as the staff there will be familiar with the personalities of all the dogs and can help you select an appropriate one in terms of both size and temperament. Plus a dog you rescue from the pound will know you have rescued it and will be loving and loyal like no other. But just remember, it's never safe to leave little kids alone with a dog, no matter how placid the dog is. You should always supervise your kids with dogs, you never know when a child will accidentally do something to provoke an aggressive response.
A labrodor,kelpie,cocker-spaniel... jack russel,any type of dog will be fairly tolerant of a loft of "abuse" from kids.

I have found that the smaller dogs tend to bit a bot more nervous and have "little dog syndrome" than a medium to large sized dog .

If you get it from a reasonably young age,around 8-12 weeks old and treat it with love and affection,that should be reciprecated in buckets.

You havent mentioned how big your yard,house,apartment is,that will also determine the "size" of the dog that will be a long standing member of the family.
ANY breed can be bomb proof. Also, ANY breed can be untrustworthy. You need to judge the individual dog, not the breed.

However, Golden Retrievers and Labs can be pretty great family dogs.

Mutts can also be wonderful family dogs. If you adopt a dog from a shelter they will be able to tell you a lot about the dog's personality.

I don't think male or female matters...

Do some more research and ask a lot of dog owners and vets what they recommend.

Good luck!
I think through my experience with dogs for families, a cockapoo is probably the best all around dog.
I recommend you don't get a dog if you are going to leave young children unsupervised around them. I breed Golden Retrievers and think they are the most wonderful, placid breed BUT any dog being hurt by either fingers being poked in eyes to being jumped on will retaliate. If you do decide to get a dog teach your children respect for your dog and to treat it gently.

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