Friday, May 21, 2010

What is your favorite breed of dog?

Huskies!! or Golden Retrievers!!
German Shepherd
SMALL - Schipperke
MEDIUM - Australian Cattle Dog
LARGE - Rottweiler
EXTRA LARGE - Irish Wolfhound.
My two dogs a mix/rescue Irish Wolfhound/Lab and my Shetland Sheepdog(Sheltie)
It's hard to pick only one! However, I have a Beagle and I adore her, so I guess I'll say BEAGLE!
Any breed of terrier;
White terriers and cottendogs are cute
pit bull real loyal companion
black toy poodles and shiba inus
Airedale Terrier.
Australian Shepherds, because of their amazing intellect and indurance, as well as their loyalty and good temperments.
Rat terrier
Afghan Hound
I like Pugs.
white german shepherd, red nose pitbull and a dachshund, cocker mix
None - I find them all vile, disgusting creatures.

Additional note -

Until you know my experiences with them, none has the right to judge my opinion of them.
I'd like to know why this question is asked so much.

Are you looking to get a dog and want to know what other people's favorite breeds are?

I love mutts. Hands down.
*Toy Poodle*
Pomeranian's, Bichon's, Shih Tzu's and Yorkie's.
I like German Shepherds, they are smart, agile, protective, great all round dogs.
Great Danes, Boxers, and Jack Russell Terriers
Well I have Boxers and Chihuahuas never really wanted either breed but now absolutely adore both. I guess my favorite breed of dog would be any dog that wags its tail at me when I get home all excited to see me. Gives me kisses when I need one and snuggles when I need that and is always insync with me just as I am with them. SO I guess any dog that loves and wants to be loved by me is my favorite breed of dog. I do desperately admire wolves though.
I've always thought that german shepards were beautiful. I've never had one though. Right now I have a 3 year old miniature dachshund who is a complete angel and 2 black lab/blue tick puppies. They're good dogs, so I suppose any breed will do, I'm not picky LOL. :)
mine is LHASA APSO, MALTESE, and SH hITZU... THEY are cute log-haired, (but a maltese isn't) and they are just the right size
I love shitzu mixed with poodle.
after owning a couple of different breeds of dog, i would have to say the maltese terrier is the best dog i've had!!! they are a great family pet, and they're good with kids!!!
Dobermans for sure :)
i like weiner dogs and pitbulls

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