Friday, May 21, 2010

What jobs can you give a jack russel to do??

we have a jack russel terrier and on the internet i have read that you should give them jobs to do to stop them getting board but i have no idea what ind of thing they mean. bear in mind with live in town so catching rodents is generally out. (unless you count our pet hamsters that is)
A job doesn't necessarily have to be a job. You can get involved with all kinds of pet sports like agility, flyball, flying disc, obedience. You could get a dog backpack for him, put some waterbottles in it for weight and go for walks to exercise him and make him tired.
Also, for a smart dog like a Jack, you might try clicker training. There is a great book called clicker training for dogs which has in it "101 things to do with a box" which is fabulous for making dogs think and a lot of fun for the dog and for you. It's always entertaining to see how dogs solve the problem of figuring out what you're looking for.
Good luck!
dunno i'ld like to know too
Ours like the hoovering but they find the stairs a struggle and every now and then they will empty the dishwasher!
they can lick your plates clean when you are finished eating
doorstop? speed bump? target practice? (hates dogs)
have you taken it around to put in some job applications ?
Rat catching and foxhunting. Great for rabbiting and you get a meal out of it.
Biting the fleas they leave behind from your ankles works
You can do earthdog with them (and it doesn't matter where you live).
they like things they can rag round like an old teddy bear or an old slipper. my mum had a jack russel and she used to play for hours with them
they are busy dogs,if you have a dog club that does agility classes near you they are ideal dogs for that sort of thing, and good exercise for the handler to, if you have children teach them games , piggy in the middle is great fun, all our dogs love that,attention and games should be all they need, with lots of exercise.keeps you going to good luck
Jobs for dogs include things like games and training.
Obedience is a great place to start.
Maybe hiding games too, they will love them, especially if you can hide stuff in corners and under furniture, etc.
Anything that involves mental and physical stimulation basically, the more interesting the better too keep them interesting.
i bought my jrt a ball that you can put food in. he adores it and will spend hours making sure he has had every last morsel out of it. it also squeaks when it rolls around so this is an added game.
Chase, catch and kill rats. They are the best for this job. My Jack Russel could jump over a six foot fence when he got the scent of a rat. I lost him when he cornered a lorry that had just come from a rat infested farm. The first fight he ever lost....

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