Friday, May 21, 2010

What kind of dog breed is shown in d link below and how many months does it takes to bear its puppy?

%26lt;img src="
I'm sorry, but can't get the pic..Click on it, and see what it does for you..
All dogs take about 9 weeks after mating to have their puppies.
It's hard to tell what the pup is but it looks like maybe some sort of collie breed. I was thinking Border Collie but it's so hard to tell when they're so little.

Average canine gestation lasts 65 days but can happen anytime between 56 to 72 days.
Can't see the pic. But all dogs have same gestation. Google it.
can't get the picture, but dogs give birth in about 72 days after consoption
The little black fella under the April fool caption? He's a Chinese Pug (or she) and gestation is about 9 weeks or just a few days over 2 months from breeding date. Pugs are usually brown/tan in color, but you will find a black one every now and then. They're amusing, loyal and only slightly slobbery due to the "pushed in" face. Some of them do end up with breathing difficulties just like Persian cats; the flatter the face, the more likely you should expect some heavy breathing, especially if you let this breed get too chunky. They make great watch dogs and bond with the family rather easily. Gentle in temperment usually, but if you have small children, tell them to be careful not to step on the little guy or gal.
about 27days, only dog i seeis a pug in a rabbit suite
The one with wrinkles?? That's a PUG. Dont know how long it takes to bear it's puppy but they are great dogs for kids and family.

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