Monday, May 24, 2010

What kind of dog would be a good playmate/mate for a chihuahua/terrier?

My dog, Lily, is four months old, but I don't like leaving her without a companion when I am not here, and I heard it's better to raise two dogs together rather than one, so which dog should I get that would be best for Lily?
I have noticed with my chihuahuas that they seem to prefer their own kind. Sad but true. They are quite snobbish with the two little shih tzus. The three chihuahuas all get along beautifully. They mostly ignore the shih tzus which is sad because the shih tzus are awfully fond of them!
Get a cat to entertain her. My friend did it.
either a terrier or a chihuahua
Call the pound and/or pet stores. Tell them you are looking to get a friend for your pup. Most places will set up a kind of play date for you. Then you can take your dog in to meet some other pups. Then your pup can decide who it's new roommate will be. The people there can help you decide the best friend for your pup.
and you don't have to go for another smallish dog, we have small and large breeds at my house, and they all play great together.
I'm a big fan of two dog households - I have always had one. I'd get another small dog of a similar mix or breed. If she is spayed get a neutered male. A spayed female/neutered male combo works best - less problems with dominance and establishing pack order.
well chihuhaus are small dogs and so are terriers so prolly one of those thypes of dogs or atleast another small dog. Make sure its around the same age as lily. cuz an older dog mite not want to paly with a pup. hoep i helped.
Any small breed or mixed breed will do!

Please consider a rescue to join your family!
I think aChihuahua would be perfect!

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