Friday, May 21, 2010

What kind of disease would this be??

Nape of neck kind of squishy sandy. on the spot that it is on it has no hair its contagious to other dogs also. its very wierd and its not Red Mange. so if you have any ideal of what it could be PLEASE tell me.
I'm not sure on the "squishy sandy," but there are a lot of skin conditions that can catch to both animals and humans from dogs and cats. It can be a fungus, bacterial or parasite infection (like a ringworm), Is there a speckling in the exposed skin? This can be a fungus or bacteria. If is wasn't contagious, I might say it's an allergy issue (food or environmental) or possibly a stress issue (pulling out hair, scratching and biting area - making it sore).
You'd have to take your dog to the vet and get a culture run on the skin from the exposed area. They can do some tests there to see if it's fungal. (The fungal medicines are a bit on the expensive side), bacterial or parasitic.
Call the vet... i know that is simple but it could be a sore from a fight or even a bight. go asap
sarcoptic mange?? a disease of poorly bred animal by a irresponsible person
Not sure could you give more details? Could be parvo or any disease, My best advice would be to take the dog to the vet.
Sarcopic mange is bad bad news.
get that dog to the vet.
take the dog to the vet a.s.a.p!!!!!!!!...

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