Friday, May 21, 2010

What kind of Doberman?

Im going to buy my b/f a doberman this summer. I know there are different breeds, I think ive heard of a blue doberman and a red one. Is there a specific name for the ones that are black w/ brown? I dont know much about this breed, can someone help me out? What would you suggest?
There is only one doberman. The AKC recognizes these colors: black, red, blue, and fawn. They are a very muscular and powerful dog. Suggest that your b/f take his puppy to obedience class. Dobermans are very energetic and need frequent excercise. Their life expectancy is up to 13 years. They need little grooming and are average shedders. Also, the albino dobe is NOT in the breed standard, and as my own personal opinion, I do NOT endorse the breeding of them.

Here is a black and red:

Here is a red:

Here is a blue:

Here is a fawn:

The Fawn and Blue are all diluted genes from the Black and the Red.

Very good breed of choice. If you need any help whatsoever feel free to e-mail me. :)
There aren't different kinds of breeds of Dobermans. There are different colors if that's what you mean. It would completely be based on his tastes, not other people's. I would suggest asking him what his preference is, because without knowing him, I wouldn't be able to suggest what he would like the best. I personally like the red Dobies because they're unusual. The black with tan markings is just the original coloring.
there is no such thing as different breeds of dobes, those are just different colors. the most common is the black and tan, although they do come in blue/grey, brown/red, and white(albino). personally i like the classic black and tans and brown/reds.
I was downtown visiting my brother and his girlfriend last weekend, and one of her friends had a giant Doberman... it was black and brown, beautiful and so very gentle, but he looked mean, especially with the studded-collar... and my girlfriend has a female Doberman who is very gentle too, wiry, lean and high-strung... nice poochie-pooch. I would suggest you find a really good breeder in your area, and take a look at this website:
There are many dog breeds that have different breeds with in the group. Dobermans aren't one of them. Dobermans come in different colors so to say. They dont have American Doberman, English Doberman and so on, but I do know what you are refering to when you asked about it. SO that makes you life quite a but eaiser... When deciding which color markings to get there are standard (black and Tan) Red (red and tan ) and Fawn (a slivery grey and tan ) Fawn colored dobbies are beautiful but they are a genetic disaster. they HAVE TONS of medical problems. Skin issues, eye issues and so much more. Standards and Red are really common and dont have as many issues. When you get your puppy make sure it is from a reputable breeder and make sure you can see both parents. You want to make sure its not from a puppy mill or from a back yard breeder who just wants to may a few hundred dollars off a litter. Good luck finding a great puppy... and hope he is pleasantly surprized
There are also albino dobermans my cousin has one
When you get your doberman , I would be very carful about its pedigree, make sure that the is no inbreeding on that paper...My uncle found out the hard way what inbreeding will do to dogs 244 stiches and stapples adays some people are in it 4 the money , they don't care about the breed or the people that the inbred dog is going to, as long as they get the all mighty dollar.Please be careful..Good luck
Any and all Doberman Pinshers are just that. ONLY one breed, but different colors. There are the black / tan or rust, the blues, reds,fawn,white ,You can go on the web and read up on them or simply type in doberman pinscher and hit search. Good luck!!!

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