Monday, May 24, 2010

What kind of dog should I get?

Ok me and my grandmother have been thinking of letting me get a dog. But here is the thing what kind? I want one that I can walk and play with, but wont get in the way of my grandma. She doesn't want a Yorkshi, and I don't want a Pit Bull so wany dogs that would fit for both me and my grandma?
Welsh corgi's are a good choice, smart, loving, loyal, good natured, not big, but not small either, they are a good mid size dog that is versatile, they can be a couch potato if you want to just hang and watch tv, or they are ready to go boating, hiking , camping, anything you want to do, as long as they are with you, they are happy!! They average about 25-30 lbs or so, depending on pure bred or mixed with something, either is nice. More along that line would be shelti's, border collies, labs, springers, but I will be honest, just give me a good old fashioned pit bull, staffordshire bull terriers are between 15 and 40 lbs, and they are an awesome dog, read up on them. Anyhow, thats my opinion based on 14 years of dog grooming and 17 years of rescue and transports
Greyhounds are playful and have a moderately low energy level, and they are so they don't run on attention and wount hound (no pun intended) your grandma.

Anything in the sproting group has a high enough energy level, but they will bug your grandma...these dogs are very social...

Most toy dogs, except the flat nosed breeds will do well with you...
how bout a german shepeard they are loyal dogs and like to play and very fun...i have one and he is my baby they are fun to play with.
You could get a shih- tzu. Or a golden retriver.
I think temperament will be most important and the physical abilities of your grandmother should also be considered. Will you or your grandmother take on most of the dog responsibility? Will the dog be home with her during the day?
My mom is in her mid 60s and not the strongest, but my husband and I have a labradoodle puppy and my mom can manage her. The puppy's temperament is very mellow, if she were more active like some of the other puppies in our class, my mom may not be able to walk with her.
When we were looking at different breeds we used a site called Best Dog. It has a great search engine that can help narrow down your breed choices
Border colies or Australian shepherds are great. They are playful yet cuddly and are easy to train.
get a Shih Tzu. Unless you're thinking of a larger dog, go with a Golden Retriever.
I think a sheltie would be a good breed. They are very smart. They need frequent walks or they will become yappy, but if trained well and exercised often, they tend to be more reserved than other breeds. They seem to me to be less likely to bug your grandma, but would also be a good companion to you.
If you're thinking of adopting one from a shelter, then the best thing to do is for both of you to go and select the animal together after spending some time with it at the shelter. This will give you a chance to see if the dog has a very playful personality, its very laid back or something in between. The size of the animal doesn't matter too much because there are big dogs who are very laid back and quiet and tiny dogs who are a handful so it all comes down to personality. You cannot select a dog just because of the breed because not all dogs behave the same way. They all have different personalities. The smartest thing is to get to know the dog before deciding on the one that will be perfect for you and your grandmother.
All of the dogs mentioned are usually fine... usually. But the best dog is one that is suited to you, and your situation. Avoid getting a puppy -- you are obviously still in school..and will have no time during the day to tend to it..

Go to places like Pet Smart, or Petco, and have them help you. They have lots of qualified people. The local humane society too, is great. Adopt an adult dog whose personality is already known. All those dogs are in places to be adopted not because they are bad dogs, but because the owners could no longer care for them. All the staff people are great.

But be aware, that this dog will need a walk every day, and if you are not willing to do that, get a cat, or a guinea pig, or a rat or something.goldfish, even

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