Monday, May 24, 2010

What kind of dog will suit my lifestyle?

I love dogs more than anything, I live for them! So my mom said I could a dog in 2 years (a DRAG, I'll be 13 by then) and to past the time I wanna see what kind of dog I should get and spend my time getting prepared for the circumstances and living conditions. ok well I need a dog that can play with itself. I will be at school for 7 hours! My mother will actually be sleeping (night shift) but will get up when the first 4 hours pass and then walk it and play with it and leave it alone for about an 1 hour more. Then the rest of the day it will be enjoying life. But when it is alone it will have alot of stuff to pass it's time probably for the first 2 or 3 hours. I want a walking partner and I will take it to the park and play fetch or Frisbee or something with it. I want a dog that is friendly, and playful. I wouldnt want a dog that has major health problems and I owuld like a dog from small-medium. I know you can't find a perfect dog but something close to it will be just fine. Thank u!
Wow, you are only 11 years old!!

You definitely have your head on straight, and are more mature and responsible than most adults twice your age, I am quite impressed

Portuguese Water Dog 17 to 22" tall, 35 to 55 lbs
English Cocker spaniel 26 to 39 lbs
WELSH CORGI 12" tall 30lbs
beagle 18 to 30 lb
Tibetan terrier 20 to 24 lbs
miniature schnauzer 13-15 lbs
papillon 4-9 lbs

Description of each can be found here, you might want to try the breed selector
The golden retriever is the ultmate family dog, and is great for playing. You'll have to groom the though. Labs are great too, and labradours.
Well, in my should check with your local animal shelter to get a dog. Not only do they have their shots and are fixed and screened for health problems, but rescued dogs often seem to know they've been rescued. Plus, you can get advice from the animal control officer on the dogs they have there as to personality and temperment.

PLEASE get a shelter dog. There are so many that will never find homes, and I promise you'll have a friend for life. Mine was until she died of old age last July.
go to and read about every breed... you have plenty of time to research .... good luck.. have fun...
I have a dog finally and it is a chihuahua and I am st school 4 seven hours 2 and my mom stays at home it sleeps all night and enetertains itself for the day and when I get I it plays with me it is actually a teacup one and it is soooo cute sweet and loving really luvs its owner so this is the perfect dog for a teenager
You sound exactly like me when I was your age. But I had to wait until I moved out of my parents house to get my first dog. And I think you should get your dog during the summer if you can, while your out of school, that way you can spend more time bonding with it, and training it. And there are so many breeds that would be great for you. I think you should buy a dog encyclopedia that lists ALL the different breeds, and details about each one. I have a few of them. I found them to be helpful, and fun to read. You can also go to to look at all the different breeds, and also helpful information on how to care for a dog. I spent 21 years trying to find my perfect dog, I finally got my first dog 2 months ago. I ended up adopting a 1 year old pit bull from an animal shelter. She is perfect for me, and she is very loved. When you are able to get a dog, consider adopting. Rescued pets can sometimes make the best pets. Good Luck in your search for a dog! I know it will be very loved.
It definately sounds like you're a golden retreiver or a lab kind of person. But muts are always great dogs too. Go to your local shelter and rescue one. Your parents will appreciate it because they dogs have their shots, most of the time come neutered/spayed, and its a lot less expensive. They are always appreciative of a new home.
A Cavalier is an excellent companion but they need to live indoors. They are a small dog but very adaptable. They love to play and also don't mind having to settle on the lounge chair to chill out for a few hours each day. An idea might be to aim to get your new pup at the very beginning of a long vacation time, so you have lots of time to spend with it before you have to return to school. A slightly older puppy might be easier to train than a real tiny baby one. Maybe 4-6mths old. Also, use the next couple of years to find out all you can about the breed "Cavalier King Charles Spaniels," and try to get in contact with a reputable breeder who can advise you on the best temperament to suit your personality and home situation. A respected breeder will also be a better bet for a healthy dog than just buying one out of the paper or from a pet shop. It is ok to ask breeders what kind of health testing they do for their dogs. Don't be fooled by thinking a crossbred puppy will be problem free - sometimes the crossbreeds have health problems too.

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