Friday, May 21, 2010

What is your dog's name?

What is your dog's name and why did you choose that name?
My dog is a silver miniature poodle. We got him at Christmas. I named him Frosty. For his color and after Frosty the Snowman!!
We chose Daisy. We had been thinking about Daisy for a girl puppy since we started thinking about getting a dog. Plus she is a Golden Retriever and looks like the yellow center of a Daisy! She's very sweet and people love the name.
I chose my dog's name as Oddball. He is all white, and was the odd on out all the time when he was with his litter-mates. He is JRT so it was quite unusual for him to have no markings.
i have a 15 year old dog named jake because all of our pets names start with j!,our cat named jessica and canary named jenny! lol
well i have 2 dogs one is a boy and his name is Rufus we chose that because it rimes with dufus and he sure is one. The other is sassy she is a girl and we named her sassy because of her attitude
Patrash. My old memory from childhood dog name was Patrash. St.Bernard in Swiss.
I named my golden retriever Rufus. Why? I dunno... he looked like a Rufus!
Myrin, because ist sweet!
precious, pet cemetery was the name of the dog...

creepy and awesome name
Our first dog is named : "Unique", because she IS. Our second dog was gotten as a playmate for our first dog, so HIS name is "Toy", because he is her "boy toy."
I have 3 dogs. Cynamon which is the oldest that was her name when I got her from an ex-friend. Dozer is her son, his name came from no matter how I held him he always fell asleep. And then is Bozley our Boston Terrier, I found the name online and thought he acted like a little boss even though he's real little so it stuck with him.
My dog's name is Bijou (bee-jew, and say the j soft, almost like choo) Bunny. I wanted something different, that not every dog owner has, like Fifi and Fluffy. Bunny is her middle anme, her back paws are like a rabbits. We call her Bijou, though. Her middle name is just Bunny. Lol. :]
Bijou means "Jewels" and it fits her. Before you ask HOW it fits her, you gotta know her. She's a spoiled little princess. :D She's.. idk. Fabulous. ahha.
Which one? I have 13.

I always choose a name that fits his/her personality or markings.

My baby, Howling North's Sterling Safyr was chosen because his colour is like silver and his eyes are blue like sapphires.

My Bella Arctic Rose is so pretty and has almost a pink sheen to her coat. She also is a Siberian Husky.

Just pick a name that comes to you intuitively when you watch your dog at play or while sleeping. There are not really too many wrong names out there (barring expletives).
we chose matthew it means a gift from god.he was born the same day we had to put out 13 yrl old cocker down .but we didnt know it untill the 8 weeks was up and the puppy was ready for us to bring home.when we looked on the papers we realized the puppy was born the same day of the death of our dog.we like to think of it as a gift from god and our last dog .letting us know he will still live on.and that it is ok to move on.
I have two dogs. One male and one female. The females name is Jasmine and the males name is Jasper. We didnt name them together it just kind of worked. We just sorta came up with them if that makes since. Didnt really think about it to much.
Right now I don't have a dog as I live in a tiny apartment but here are some of the names my pets have worn with at least a little bit of dignity...

Beauregard-- A Black Lab and Rhodesian ridge-back cross. He was all black except for a fine white beard and mustache. He looked like a southern gentleman so I gave him the name of one.

Useless--We found this toy poodle wandering the highway and his hair was so ratty we couldn't even identify what breed he was till we got him cleaned up and hair cut. My dad's first comment was "That is all we need, another useless dog." Dad adored him.

Blondie--My moms cocker spaniel that lived for over 20 years and even when she got hit by a car and her back broken, she never gave up and lived another 5 years.

Rhodi--Our second full blooded Rhodesian Ridge-back. She loved kittens but hated cats. and salesmen and roving preachers as well.
I like to choose name that are a bit different, and give my dog their own identity. I have "Bill", not to many dogs named Bill. A big great Pyr named after a friend that had a big white beard, and the same BIG impression on everyone. We have Shyanna, his sister, that was so shy to begin with. Zeussa, which means "cutie pie" in German, he is a little devil lhasa. Windi, a beagle/jrt mix, that runs like the wind. Chopper, like the motorcycle style, pretty cool, fast, and powerful, he is an all muscle bull terrier mix. We had Mrs. Bean, a boston/french bulldog X, she was gassie. I foster for many, many dogs, oer 300, and each dog deserves his own unique name, never Princess, Duke, Ben, Sam, or Gracie. Try something that fits them uniquely-may take a while-but fun!
JRT and his name is Jack.already had name when we got him.
My dog's name is Lucky. I chose that name because at the time I thought he was lucky but now that I think of it he's not as lucky as some dogs. But he's pretty lucky...
My 9-year-old Chihuahua's name is Hercules. I was watching Disney's "Hercules" at naming time. It was a joke of sorts because he was so tiny as a puppy!

However, he does live up to his name!
Nacho- he's a chihuahua
Cubbie- Skipperkeys look like bears
Bandit- he has rings around his eyes
We have a female black lab whose name is Duchess, cause she was bought for breeding purposes 7 years ago. We have her son, Lucky, he got his name cause he is lucky that we did not sell him like we did his siblings for chewing through the sheet rock in our duplex. And then we have Ace, my 7 year olds german shepherd. He chose that name cause it was easy for him to remember.
I have a chocolate Lab named Kiara. My daughter named her. We like unusual names for our pets. We have 3 cats: Spot, Nala, and Darva, a tarantula named Shelob, and I can never remember what she named the 2 turtles but the names are just as bizarre as the others.
jaws cause she is a boxer!

badger cause I choose it at 12am..
Minnie... after Minnie Mouse, because she is a chihuahua and has a rat tail, %26 After mini... as in tiny... she only weighs 2 lbs
Our Chihuahua is Stanly T. Goodpuppy. We got him when he was 15 weeks old.

His groomer named him Stanly, she said, "he just looks like a Stanly," and we thought, you know, she's right, he does look like a Stanly. (My brother picked the spelling, rather than the traditional "Stanley." He thought it looked better.)

The T. stands for Trouble, because he was a little trouble-maker from the get-go. He wouldn't use his pee-pads, he would tear them to shreds. The first three weeks were a constant battle. No worries, though. We changed to litter training him, and he learned in just two days, less than 48 hours to litter train him. We thought about changing his middle name to Einstein, but decided to go with just the T.

And the Goodpuppy? Well, despite the trouble training him, he really was a good puppy. He wasn't trying to be trouble, he just didn't understand that people have different rules than dogs have. And he wanted to please us, he did catch on pretty fast, except for the potty training. He was really good around strangers, even young children, as a young puppy, and he was loving but not overly protective, as some Chihuahuas can be. We think he earned his last name.
I have a yorkie and his name is Kobe and I'm not sure why we named him that.
I also have an American Pitbull Terrier and his name is Trill- which means True or real and we chose that because he's that's what he is.
a chihuahua that looks like a min pin but smaller
her name is Miley Mouse, I wanted a tom boy name and it was between Miley and Riley and nobody else in my house liked Riley, I originally named her Lacey but it just didn't fit her.
Shunka Satin...4 year old wiemeraner....translates in{Lakota} to dog of satin.. when she was a puppy she felt just like satin, now just her ears do..This is the best dog I have seen great with m 5 kids and an awesome hunter.I payed 500.00 4 her and I would do so with out batting an eye again if I could get the same dog...This dog is almost perfect...
he is a beagle/lab mix about 12 weeks old. and he is living up to his name! my boyfriend and i are fans of bike riding so we thought we'd name him something special to us.
Pugsley because she's a pug and Roxy because I liked the name. It seemed to suit her a little.

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