Monday, May 24, 2010

What kind of dog should i get?

I want something small, but one that doesn't shed a lot. one smart enough not to poop in the house, and to bring the ball back when we play fetch. one that will stay by my side day and night.i like to go camping a lot and want it to not be ready and willing to run off at any given moment. i was thinking of a pug does anyone have any other opinions on this, please help!?! Thank you
Try this link. It's a Dog Breed Selector from Animal Planet. You answer a few questions about what you want and it picks the breed for you. It will tell you if the breed matches 100% or your needs, 97.3%, 82%, etc. You can take a look and make the right decision for you.

Click on "Start Your Search" under Dog Breed Selector.
Other than small and shedding.. The other ones are things that you have to train the dog for.. They don't just come knowing / doing those things. As far as wanting to be with your day and night, you have to be a good and respected owner, so that your dog wants to be with you.
Yeah, first of all, if you want a dog that can do all that, you will have to train it, next if you want one that can go camping with you, don't get a small dog unless you want them to be an easy bear snack. Try a big dog, Great Dane, Rottie, Mastiff. And by the way, they all shed, just a matter of if you can see it because it is a long hair or a short hair.
This might sound funny, but Chihuahua's are GREAT little dogs.

My friend has two and they are the nicest, most playful little dogs I've ever known.
a pug
If you don't mind the Shedding, snoring, and all around breathing problems, go with the pug. Poodles DO NOT shed and are hypo-allergenic. Jack Russles are extremely smart, some say the smartest of all dogs. Pom's require daily grooming. Same with Peks. Chihuahua are ok, I have one. I would go with the Jack Russle for what you might want in a dog.

thier adorable and energetic

other than small and non sheding you need to train
Get a mutt, you could get a small mutt from the shelter. Then you can train it to stay by your side etc... If you need advice on training a dog(puppy) they will help you at the shelter. Hey mutts are smarter than people think I have a wonderful little mutt! Loves the outdoors..
When I think of pugs, I think of prissy little indoor dogs that lay around and snore. They shed a lot too.

I'd recommend a Cairn terrier. (think Toto from the Wizard of Oz) They have hair and do not shed as long as you brush them regularly. Terriers are known for being tenacious, with "big dog" attitudes, because they were bred for hunting small animals. They're full of energy, and won't get too big (20-25 pounds).
Just so you know pugs shed a lot I am a groomer and when they come in the table is covered in fur that can be brushed off of them at any time...they also require their face folds to be cleaned daily or they start to stink and get infected..they are nice little dogs though...a chihuahua...any terrier.toy need to do your homework and its true any dog will use the house unless they are trained well...and if you are planning on camping a lot a small dog might not be the answer you might want to go with a medium or large breed...jack russels shed but they are very active and love outdoors..good luck...get a dog breed book that tells about personalities
west high land terrier or a minature pincher.
Basset Hound , they are pretty chill
I'd say go for the good old beagle..

I know you said small but I can't imagine some little toy dog out in the forest trying to keep up with you. He'd be Bobcat bait too..

Get yourself a medium sized dog. All dogs will shed and it you do not see yourself as a complusive groomer, then stay away from the long coated breeds. Go for something with a short coat.

With regards to toilet habits and loyalty, that really depends on your own qualities as a dog owner and trainer. You;ll have to learn how to teach your dog and ensure he is well behaved.

Good luck.
A Labrador would be perfect for you. Also, maybe an Australian cattle dog. Honestly, you should just go to the pound and spend time with some mutts. They make the best pets. Find one less than a year old so you can train it. You will know when you meet the perfect dog.
PUG, THEY SHED A LOT! and in order for them to do what you want it take PATIENTCE. a Standtard Schnauzer, not the Giant just normal.
Jack russell... because they are lovable small dogs who are very obediant if trained properly

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