Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is the best dog breed to be brought up inside the house?

A havanese is quite happy in the house. It is a perfect choice if you live in an apartment or do not have a yard. Check out this site (especially under "living conditions" in answer to your question) I've even been told these dogs can be litter box trained!!
All of them. All dogs should be raised in the home with the family.
ALL dogs should be in the house!
well,i guess dalmatian is the best one.even i have one
Any dog can be a house dog if trained, I parterre pit bulls
All dogs need time with their families, but if you want a dog that can spend most of its life inside without very much exercise and not mind it, go for a toy breed. Good Luck!
This is only my opinion so I know people won't like my comments but..YUCK!

Personally I can't see why anyone would bring any dog inside there house.
1. Dogs SHED so the hair gets trapped in your air ducts, microwave vent, stove vent, and your fridge, so you will eventually eat HAIR!
2. They poop and pee on your carpet, and when this occurs, it soaks into the carpet, padding, and ply wood beneath. Hummmmmm sounds pretty gross huh?
3. Dogs carry parasites, weather you know it or not. I know someone that bathed their dog regularly, and administered front-line, and their kid still got Pin Worms from the dogs. (A worm that gets under your skin and makes you itch!)
Those are only a few reasons why dogs should be outside animals!
Yorkies are the best.. they are small dogs, smart, and they do not shead hair.
Retreviers or labs are the best once they have been housed trained. they are sweet and cute and some times a good help

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